One of the DE schools of district Patiala is Government Senior Secondary School, Shekhupur. It came under DE in the year 2010 and has successfully completed its 2 years and 3rd year is in progress.
Smt. Bansbir Kaur(Principal of School)
Plantation Day
Smt. Bansbir Kaur(Principal of School)
Smt. Bansbir Kaur (Principal) |
Teacher’s Day
Teacher's Day is celebrated as a tribute to the valuable contribution made by teachers to the society by imparting knowledge and enlightening and shaping the career of students. For students, Teacher's Day is an occasion to pay reverence and gratitude to teachers for their selfless effort in shaping their career and enriching the education system in the process.Most of the schools and institutions make elaborate preparations for the celebrations. The ceremony usually kicks off with a warm Teacher's Day speech paying respect and thanking teachers for their contribution. This is often followed by a range of colorful cultural programs, feast and other activities which make the event special and memorable.
Teacher's Day at GSSS Shekhupur
On 5th August at Govt. Senior Secondary School Shekhupur Teacher’s day was celebrated. All the staff members, students celebrated this day in school. A speech competition was held in the school on this occasion. Students from all classes eagerly take part in this speech competition. There is final two best entries was declared 1st and 2nd in this speech competition. There is a girl from the class 10th Harneet Kaur who stood first in this competition. And there is another girl from the class 10th Swarenjeet Kaur who stood 2nd in this competition. Some girl students sing a song in respect of their teachers. In that song, various good qualities of teachers are described.
1st (Harneet Kaur) |
2nd (Swaranjeet Kaur) |
Plantation Day
School staff, AIFT Trainer and students planting plants
Teacher's taking PBL Class
Student's taking PBL Class